
The Circus Comes To Town

Brave Katherine and Rebecca took 7 little kids to the circus on Saturday night. I thought they would be fine, what with such distraction as elephants, fire juggling boys who are only 10 years old, a trapeze artist who is just 7! Unfortunately, Jaime is being weaned off her behavior moderating meds (which are no longer very effective) and it was just not enough distraction for her. She crawled out of the big tent (under the side) and ran. Becca called me in a panic... they could not find her. Then she called (now John is on his way to town) to let me know they spotted her but she kept running. In the meantime, Matty (who insisted he did NOT have to use the bathroom) peed up SERIOUSLY and stood in the parking lot laughing at Becca, "HA HA HA.... I peed up and now you can't watch the circus!"

Jaime was finally corralled behind the local grocery store. The other five kids didn't miss a thing... they thought it was fabulous and are looking at circus careers for themselves some day. I guess you couldn't have better circus training than right here in this family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a day, What a day!!!!!!!!!!