
Melissa's 9th Birthday Today

This is Melissa's first birthday with us... she is 9 years old today :) Here she is by her dirt and worms cake, eating her bowl of breakfast dog food! That is what my kids call that chocolate cereal that resembles Tuffies dog food. I do not usually buy this stuff, but it is a birthday after all :) We are having her choice of pizza rolls and root beer for lunch, making today's menu pretty much junk food.
Our adoption worker is coming today, so I let the kids stay home from school. This will give everyone plenty of time to play with Melissa's presents, and hopefully not ruin all her stamps, paper and markers before the day is out.
My mom's birthday is also today... she would be 67. It is nice to have something happy to celebrate on this day and take my focus off feeling sorry for myself!

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