
The Madness Continues

Ah, the Madness... And this year, thanks to DSL and CBS live streaming BB, we do not need to hook up a mile of electric fence wire and run it all around the house trying to get TV reception. For many, many years the NCAA basketball tournaments have been a fun way to wait out March (which seems to never end and it is snowing again today.) Kelly and Lucas started filling out their brackets when they were just little kids. Now we have the internet, our brackets are on line instead of in the newspaper, and also lots more involvement: Kelly, Luc and Erin, my brother Tom and his wife Sharlene, Mark and the Palmer kids, and John and six of the kids here at home. Every year they have their own yahoo! group, this year named "Madness in Minnesota," where they can harass each other over the internet. And every year Sharlene fills out her brackets picking winners by the color/style of their shorts and Luc researches and researches and gets madder and madder as Sharlene's picks seem to beat his pretty consistently :)

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