
First Geese, First Great Blue Heron, First Bonfire

Yesterday, when I was here all by myself, I sat out on the deck and listened to the silence. It was fabulous. Once when I was listening to silence with Tom, he said, "Oh I can't stand it, it is so loud!" It was one of those times when you know what is meant by 'the silence is deafening.' The silence last night was broken by the sound of a lone Canada Goose honking just on the other side of the tree line from me. The first one I have heard in our paddies this year. Then, flying right over the paddies, the first Great Blue Heron of the season! Hooray. And because I was by myself, I decided to have the first bonfire of the season, too. The stars were awesome, Orion is sinking slowly but surely into the western sky... a good sign~

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