
Crows and Snows

There is a Native American legend in our part of the country that says there will be seven more snows after the crows return. The crows have been back a little over two weeks now and we have had two snows since. Oh how I wish we would just skip the five more snows and get right to Spring/Summer. I have never felt so desperate for winter to be over as I have this year. I have seriously considered putting a flight to a warm sunny beach on my charge card.
Lots of my stress is coming from our little Patsy... a day doesn't go by without my saying to John, "What are we going to do with this kid?" What in the world is it that makes me react this way over the stupid, manipulative stuff she does? How can she keep coming up with these creative, ridiculous ways to use pee to jerk me around? Not only that, but her incessant chattering is driving me nuts. And yesterday she pooped her pants and then says to me: "Thisa why I needa go ta da bafroom." Ya Think?!
Would running away for a few days recharge me? Would I just be all the sorrier to come home? Is it fair to the non-issue kids for me to just up and leave them for a couple of days? Is it possible that I will rebound without having to get away? Is it possible to make a decision on any level anymore? How is it that a 4 year old could have this effect on me?

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