
Patsy Pee Patch

This little girl has earned the nickname Patsy... short for Patsy Pee Patch. She wets her pants 15+ times a day. When she first came to us, she did not do this. It was after the foster parent visit that this started, and we figured it was a huge amount of stress that was the cause. Our therapist (that we started seeing a week after the foster visit) tells us that in Patsy's case this is manipulative RAD (Radical Attachment Disorder) behavior. And sure enough... when given the proper incentive (rinsing her own peed up things in a bucket in the bathtub), she stopped wetting for over a week. Unfortunately, she heard me tell her social worker how well she was doing and so has been back at it with gusto for over a month now. She happily skips to the bathroom to rinse her stuff, and while rinsing sings "Gloooooooo-ria, in Excelsis Deo" at the top of her lungs.
Well, Tuesday night little Patsy announced that she was no longer interested in playing the pee game, she would rather play with the kids instead. And darned if she hasn't been dry since. I guess I will not mention this out loud for fear of sabotage... thankfully she cannot read yet.

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