I like to listen to Christian music and recently I have needed to put some good solid "God stuff" in my head. I didn't, even with two+ years preparation realize how hard it would be to bring four more children into our home. When I am down and out, I usually brood/whine/feel sorry for myself, look for a way out and then eventually God reminds me: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."John 6:68 And so to Him I go, to His word in print, song, and prayer.
Dave and Sobra (say Sah' bruh) Horn are old (?) and dear friends of the Bonk family. My kids all call Sobra, Sobra... but when referring to Dave, they always say Dave Horn... as in "When Sobra comes, will Dave Horn be with her?" When they were little, they must have thought it was all one name: Davehorn. Now we have called him Davehorn so long, I guess he is stuck with it around here.Dave is a Pastor who is also an awesome musician and songwriter. He travels around the country, leading and assisting with worship services, doing assemblies at parochial schools, concerts at churches, you name it. He is really great at what he does, and we go to hear him sing whenever we can. Sobra is also a fabulous singer/songwriter and I will address that in another blog :)
I have always loved Dave's music, not to mention his clear message of God's love for us in Christ... and how we do not pick Him, but God chooses us and redeemed us as His own.
Dave is Reuben's absolute favorite singer and Reuben can often be heard singing Dave's version of the Christmas hymn Of The Father's Love Begotten . Reuben really wanted me to include it, and really the whole family loves it, so I had to share it. Dave sings it beautifully. We even used it on a power point presentation during the Christmas program at church a couple years ago and this past year Dave came and sang it "live!"
Click for a picture and more about Dave Horn .
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