
Once a Month Shopping

I recently decided to try Once a Month cooking. I have thought of doing it many times, but have never gotten down to actually doing it. I came REAL close to it last week. But at the last, with one thing and another with the new kid adjustment, I knew it was not going to happen this time either. What I DID do, was Once A Month SHOPPING :) Now there is no point in saying again, but I will: I HATE SHOPPING. The thought of doing an entire day of it more than depressed me. But the thought of not doing it again for a month... now that was inspiring.
So all last Thursday I spent at Sam's Club, Wal-mart and Super One foods. I got enough staples and household cleaning and personal products for close to FIVE weeks. What a great feeling!
Then on Friday, I had Kat and Pete act on something else I had always wanted to do: Dump Dishes :) That does not sound very good, I know, but here is how it goes: You take uncooked chicken or steak or fish or whatever... You divide them into meal sized packages... then you pour in a marinate or sauce of your choice, seal and freeze...(I got a cool thing for Christmas from Kelly: A handy thing that sucks the air out of the bags and then seals them!) Then the night before you want to serve it, transfer it to the fridge. At cooking time, just DUMP the whole thing in an baking dish and cook it.... VOILA! We have sesame ginger chicken, hot teriyaki venison steaks, lemon chicken to name just a couple of things Kat and Pete fixed up.

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