In January I had opportunity to go to Florida. Twice! My Becca got a job at Delta airlines and it came with some fabulous perks for her AND for me :) It seems an employee's parents can fly free on standby!
I first went down at the beginning of December for several days on the beach, ALONE! Nice, quiet time spent mostly with God on long beach walks. It was a much needed time to reflect, pray and plan.
Then on Epiphany I was happily able to go to church in Jacksonville Beach where my BFF and her husband were singing. Then my friend, who was celebrating her birthday! and I went to our oceanfront hotel room where we enjoyed the Atlantic surf, though we were slightly less than warm. Even these skimmers were hunkered down against the cold wind that kept all but the heartiest of beach combers indoors.
Last week I flew down to pick up a car I bought (why buy in the frigid north when you can take a free flight and spend some time --ok a couple hours really-- in the Florida sun? It was a trip of adventures.
First, as many know, when flying standby you are not guaranteed a seat. I did not get on my second flight so my daughter rerouted me to Detroit (I have always liked the Detroit airport... I love their fountain!) where I could not get a flight until the following day. The next day was a great flight, but after I arrived in West Palm Beach I found I had lost my bird book... With my life list in the back... Rats.
Still I had a quick birding stop with my BFF and her husband and picked up a new bird to put in my NEW bird book and list. A warbler (I will have to check the name later and update this... Warblers are a lot like sparrows to ID ... And I had just spent time this past summer getting positive IDs on several sparrows, recorded of course in my lost book).
I had a good drive home for the most part. I did not even turn on the radio except to make sure it worked. I got caught in Winter Storm Luna halfway through Illinois and spent the afternoon and evening reading in a very nice, brand spanking new hotel right off the freeway in Rochelle. The next day I made it home, a day and a half later than I planned, but again a good time to reflect and talk to God as the miles and time passed.
I am off to Florida again in another week. I never would have thought when I was younger that I would be a snowbird, but in my mid fifties now I am totally on board! This is my annual vacation with my best friend to the beach we discovered a few years ago. A true escape, you must get there by boat and there are not even any cars on the island. I am looking forward to spending part of the time with three of my girls, sharing my favorite place in the world :) We have our playlist set up for dancing on the deck, our fins in the bag ready for the surf and our cabanas packed just waiting for the sand and sun!
Oh Lord, who am I that you are mindful of me? Your blessings upon me unending, I thank you for caring about me, comforting me and giving me so much undeserved goodness. May I never forget your mercies in my life and the salvation you have provided for me in your Son!
Have a wonderful time! We haven't left town except to drive to Branson for a weekend the first weekend of December. May have to remedy that soon!
Glad you are back! Ah, the bennies of airline employment. Enjoyed my time with TWA many years ago. Enjoy!
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