The wailing from two of our new girls has gone overboard and everyone's ears are ringing. We wake up in the morning to hear one or the other wailing and bawling like their heart is breaking over some insignificant issue. This has continued throughout the day for the past three or four days. Yesterday the wailing was intensified to the point where I finally realized (duh!) that there must be something behind this. I already mentioned that Mary was having trouble. (An aside: John told her the other day to please be-have. She came back later and said, "Dad, I'm hayving now, see?") Matt is also over the top with naughty acting out. He is taking things, breaking things, running away from people when they are out and about, refusing to do ANYthing he is asked, wetting the bed through his pull ups every night (though I do not consider wetting the bed naughty behavior).
So at any rate, I am home from church sick (have been battling aching bones, sore throat, chills for three days... yes, I feel sorry for myself, sniff sniff) and I am going to take this time to read through the kids profile again... see if maybe this time of year is the anniversary of something? I think it may be bio-dad saying goodbye at foster home when he and the state realized he was unable to complete his family foster care parenting plan :( Whatever it is, the thing we are going to have to do, obviously, is get everyone through it... Extra hugs and holding for everyone, including those of us whose ears are ringing.
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