Since we first filled our pool we have had beautifully clear, sparkling water. The pH and TA always perfect. We have never needed to add anything save chlorine tablets to the auto chlorinator. Now since we have added the heater, the pH and TA have been so low as to not even be on the chart. This, combined with the warmer water, means the chlorine dissipates almost immediately.
SO.... I went on down to the local pool place and got me a big bag of soda ash. I kept throwing that stuff in until I got a good reading on the test strip. Unfortunately, the pool then started to turn cloudy :( I shocked it and figured it would clear up overnight... no... :( I can't begin to tell you how depressed I felt thinking I had wrecked the pool.
The pool guy says I need to add the stuff very s l o w l y . Yesterday I vacuumed out a lot of it that had settled to the bottom. The rest of the day we kept stirring up the water and cleaning the filter (16 times). Now this morning there is very little left settled at the bottom. The rest of the water is clear and beautiful. whew... I will NEVER mess with my pool again except very lightly.
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