
Making A Difference

Decluttering is coming along nicely. The upstairs is almost done. Today I will start working on our bedroom closet and then tomorrow the kitchen. However... the sun is out today and tomorrow is supposed to be cold (high of 69 degrees) and rainy so maybe I should work outside today. I hate to stop when I am on a roll, but I'm going to...
An aside... I read today on
Cindy's Blog how Angelina Jolie advises us that just because you may be a Republican, that doesn't mean you can't care about children. SAY WHAT?? Thanks Angie Dear, for clearing that up for me... GEEZ, what is that?? I am so tired of people thinking that Republican/Conservative means I wouldn't care about social issues, I wouldn't care about people in poverty, about child abuse, about the environment. How can it be so hard to understand that I HAVE to vote for the person who is against the ultimate in child abuse: ABORTION! I have to vote for the person who will not try to eliminate the Almighty God from the culture of my country.... just to name a couple of important reasons to be CONSERVATIVE. And anyway, look at my family! Do I honestly look like someone who doesn't care about children?

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