
My Mom

My mom, my sister Karen and me
My mom, Karen and me
My brother Tom and Mom
Me and my mom

The season of Spring and particularly the month of April is a bittersweet time for me. I am coming up on the anniversary of my mom's death. This April 16th makes 12 years. Oh how can that be true?
It took me a couple of years to recognize that the aches and pains I experience beginning about the second week of April were not because I was getting sick. It is grief that hurts me down in my bones and makes a huge knot in my gut.
This year it started way too early. When I woke up Saturday morning I felt it... grief overload gearing up. I know now that the onset and intensity of this grief is greatly effected by how much stress I have. I guess this year I have a lot cuz I am about to die myself from my aching ribs and joints. By Saturday night I could hardly move and I did not make it to church Sunday morning.
I had no idea before my mom died that grief could be such a physical thing. I have no idea how those who morn without hope are able to live on.
I sure miss my mom. Probably the only thing that makes me wish time would pass more quickly is the thought of seeing my mom again... e'en so Lord Jesus, Come.

1 comment:

Pastor John said...

If there was anyway to remove your pain, I would! You had a great mom who overcame a very difficult childhood and she was a great mother to me. She made me her second son.