
Valentine's Day

I have a tradition for Valentine's Day. Every year I have a pretty breakfast table with candles, cupcakes, little presents and Valentine's I have made for each kiddo. Here is this year's table. I usually get colored pencils, spiffy writing/drawing paper and folders for each. This year I splurged and got each of the older kids a movie (that I just happen to want to watch too):) So, last night we watched The Sting (lots more swearing in that than I remembered unfortunately), tonight Return of the Pink Panther, tomorrow Pirates of the Caribbean, Friday You've Got Mail. Recently we have been staying up too late (John and I and the "old" bonk kids 10 and older) just to get some down time together without all the stressers of the new family adjustment... so we have had LOTS of movies. It is nice to veg in front of the tube at the end of the day. We don't have TV reception here in the sticks though we can rig up electric fence wire all around the place to get important things like NCAA March Madness.

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