
Troubles and Whinings

So, my house is no longer user friendly. It has become a sort of institution type place if you will. Because of issues I do not want to blog here (but those of you with adoptive kids will have a good guess) we have to have supervised bathroom visits. The bedrooms are off limits except at bedtimes and then only open to the person(s) who sleep there. People have designated supervisory personnel... they must not let their charge out of their sight... sorry if you were thinking of, say, playing or skiing or just reading a book. We are putting gates in the hallways to keep the back part of the house off limits, and alarms on certain doors. Part of me is trying hard to remember the commitment end of this, the other part wants to run. I am having a hard time with our commitment to these needy kids vs. the needs of the kids God gave us first.
Now the only bathroom that the 8 and under crowd may use has been plugged up so badly with something (I can only guess what, and I unfortunately have a few ideas) that it (sewage) is leaking into the basement into Tom and Reuben's new bedroom (that John is building for them because all their stuff was getting ruined by their new roommate). Whatever it is will not be plunged out or snaked out... John is spending his night with a garbage can under the drain pipes draining the system so he can cram something big down there and unplug it... Nice.
He had a whirlpool bath run for himself but, because of all the plunging we have been doing, the sewage has come up the whirlpool drain into his nice bath water...
Now the boys have come upstairs to let me know that the sewage draining has unfortunately missed the garbage can (that my big boys are going to have to carry outside to... where??) and hit Reuben's bed... that I just moved WAY out of the way... Someone has just brought in yet another giant garbage can for more sewage draining...I guess I am thankful for one thing anyway: my husband and friend of 30 years who will let me sit upstairs and cry while he handles yet another problem... boohoo... I want my mommy.

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