
Reading to Kids at Bedtime

I have always loved reading to my kids at bedtime. We have read lots of great books, including Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House series, which I have probably read through 4 times in my parenting career. I really did not think I would be able to get back to reading at bedtime. It has really been crazy with the new kids. They have had a hard time getting to bed, staying in bed, falling asleep. The other day I hit on an idea. Everyone gets in bed and as soon as it is quiet for even a few seconds I start to read. I sit upstairs just on the other side of the wall from 4 girls, 2 in each bedroom, next to the baby monitor transmitter. I put one of the receivers for the transmitter in by Mary's bed so she can hear, and one next to Matthew's bed also. It has worked like a champ! As soon as I start reading, they quiet right down and listen. Mary falls asleep almost instantly.
I am once again reading Little House in the Big Woods, and we have 2 chapters to go. Everyone is really enjoying it. I love the Little House books, too. Every time I read them even my older boys will listen in and say, "Man, I wish I lived like that... Trapping, hunting, fishing all the time!"
When I read the next book in the series, I will park my chair and monitor in Matthew's room, where Mary can also hear me. Then the upstairs girls can have the receivers.

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